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Needle Binder

How can I find the right pages for my needles?

Click Here To Open Page Helper Wizard. We've organized our needle binder pages by needle type & brand, to allow you to build your binder exactly how you want it. We have created pages for the top most popular needle brands/kits owned by our customers

The Needle Binder Page I need is out of stock

Our leather workshop is located in Ukraine and we have thus been affected by the awful events unfolding there. While our team remains safe and continue working, we have a challenge receiving parcels from them due to the air space being closed. The la

How to choose the right size of Needle Binder

The binder comes in 2 sizes: regular to fit up to 4 pages and jumbo up to 7. Both sizes are the same in physical length/width, the only difference is a thicker spine and longer closure strap, allowing it to expand to be thicker. Closed measurements:

What comes with the Needle Binder?

Please note that the binder does not come with any pages by default, as no two binders are the same, we ask that you select the pages you need to fit your unique needles collection. Click here to see all available pages. The binder casing/shell comes